1. [PDF] Constructive tensor field theory: The T4_4 model - HAL
15 feb 2019 · Abstract. — We continue our constructive study of tensor field theory through the next natural model, namely the rank four tensor theory ...
2. [PDF] AI-Augmented Classroom Scene Design for Exploring Intangible ...
Abstract. Digital China has maintained a strong momentum of vigorous development, and its development in various regions of China has also achieved.
3. [PDF] Learning a Slacked Margin for Low-Resolution Face Recognition
Abstract. Low-resolution (LR) face recognition poses a significant challenge in embedding learn- ing due to the severe loss of identity information.
4. [PDF] White Shark Optimizer Based Time-optimal Trajectory Planning ...
Abstract—This paper presents an improved time-optimal trajectory planning algorithm leveraging the White Shark. Optimizer (WSO), specifically designed for ...
5. [PDF] NBSLD, the computer program for heating and cooling loads in buildings
... Name. NAMEBD. Identification of thejob, name of the building, address or other ... WJMAX. DESIGN OUTDOOR WETBULB TEMPERATURE, F. 254. C. WBSAVE
6. [PDF] arXiv:1703.06510v2 [math-ph] 1 Jul 2017
1 jul 2017 · Abstract. — We continue our constructive study of tensor field theory through the next natural model, namely the rank four tensor theory ...
7. [PDF] vibration-based structural damage - CORE
Name of Candidate: SEYED ALIREZA RAVANFAR. I.C/Passport No: E96078587 ... Wjmax. ⊕ Vjmax. (3.22) where jmax > j and also j and jmax ...
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9. [PDF] Symposium on Automation, Robotics and Advanced Computing ... - DTIC
9 mrt 2024 · self is a keyword which refers to the name of relevant In all other cases ... For Wjmax = 0-5, the robot's Tmn at this scale could and ...
10. [PDF] Multiscale Support Vector Learning With Projection Operator Wavelet ...
Wjmin+1 ⊕ ··· ⊕ Wjmax . The developed kernel (22) shares a similar form to ... and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 1982 and 1984, respectively ...
11. [PDF] Manipulation with Diverse Actions Jennifer L. Barry
16 mei 2013 · six dimensional space of translation along three axes, roll, pitch, and yaw. ... Wjmax = Bδ(c) ⊆ Bη(c). For any j
12. [PDF] Drought management and planning.pdf
20 sep 2005 · developed to consider water quality indices under the name Water Resources ... Wjmax. (*) max treatment capacity. Wjmin. (*) min treatment ...
13. Development of a SIMSMART Based, Progressive Flooding Design Tool
AUTHOR(S). Anderson, Thomas J. 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) ... referred to the use of watertight bulkheads in Chinese junks [Ref. 1]. While ...
14. 10 May 1916 - Advertising - Trove
from Gcdom, WjmAX. 10th. MA.Y. Trinshliiphis for Queensland porte. Cttgo. only ... Name: SEiUlGARET JTIASHR ' i. DSUKiWafdCI'C0: ^ 3l ItoMn^treot, St ...
15. (PDF) Design, Integration and Sustainability Analysis Biorefineries ...
... name(s)) In an example shown in Figure 1.2, the biorefinery has the ... wjmax) (23, 40) 1 6 (25.6, 30) (3.5, 37) 2 7 (115, 10) (1.8, 35) 3 8 (28.4, 20) ...
Design, Integration and Sustainability Analysis Biorefineries and Chemical Processes
16. Humanitarian Engineering Creating Technologies That Help People
Neither the name of the author nor the name of The Ohio State University may ... wjmax Maximum value of importance j 484 wj0 Nominal value of ...