FREE SOFTWARE FOR DOS — Communication & Internet – 1 (2024)


21 Aug 2006









INTERNET FILE TRANSFER (Telnet, ftp, http...)


Also see: The Connect IDE and the DOS Navigator file manager (both include good integrated terminals).

Kermit — Outstanding text and text-graphics terminal.

* * * * *

[added 2005-09-24]

Kermit is a high-end, text and text-graphics terminal program that can run by itself, or embedded within some other program. It can run over a variety of networks, including the Internet when coupled with Telnet.

Standalone operation requires 8088+, DOS 2.0+, 160K-500K memory (depending on options selected), and a serial port or modem or network adapter. Runs under Windows 3.x, in a window or full-screen, and can execute in the background (for use under Win32, get Kermit95). Source code is available.Online screenshots.

Some other features, from the docs:
  • Text-mode user interface
  • Serial connections up to at least 57,600 bps
  • RTS/CTS hardware flow control is available
  • Support for buffered UARTs, Hayes ESP, and Fossil drivers
  • Automatic dialing scripts for Hayes, Telebit, US Robotics, Practical Peripherals, and many other modems
  • Network connections through many Ethernet adapters, BIOS Int 14, Hayes ESP serial communications board in 16550A mode, Fossil drivers
  • Terminal emulations: ANSI, DEC VT320/VT220/VT102/VT100/VT52, Data General DASHER D463/D470/D217, Wyse-50, Heath/Zenith-19, Tektronix 4014, Sixel graphics
  • Terminal emulation features include screen rollback, capture, copy, and print; 132-column mode; horizontal scrolling; key mapping and macros; comprehensive character-set support; a compose key for entering accented letters; color text and graphics; much more.
  • Kermit File Transfer Protocol: Long packets, sliding windows, dynamic packet length, locking shifts, control-character "unprefixing," character-set conversion for Western and Eastern European languages, Cyrillic, Hebrew, and Japanese, and recovery for interrupted binary-mode transfers
  • Autodownload / autoupload, command macros, command files, script programming language with variables, functions, loops & more
  • Workarounds for buggy UART simulators on Pentium motherboards
  • Control over timeslicing method in Windows, DesqView, OS/2, NT
  • Selectable fore- and background colors for underline simulation
  • Debugging display of TELNET options negotiation

Authors: Daphne Tzoar, Jeff Damens, Joe R. Doupnik, James Harvey, et al.

Kermit is owned by Columbia University. Releases are prepared by Joe R. Doupnik and the members of the Kermit Project. Licensing: "...may be downloaded by individuals for their own use or for use within an organization...must be licensed for redistribution."

Full package with Regular, Medium and Lite EXEs, config, docs
Install over v3.14 – Replaces Regular, Medium and Lite EXEs
Install over v3.14 or v3.15 – Replaces Regular EXE only
Details: Three variants of v3.14
Regular: Full-function
Medium: No networks, no graphics. Runs on 8088 / 256K.
Lite: No networking and no terminal emulator, but including full file transfer and scripting capabilities. Used as an external protocol or a script-execution engine, called from another application.

Details: Four variants of v3.15
Regular: Full-function
Medium: No networks, serial connections only.
Lite I: Networks included, no terminal emulator.
Lite II: No terminal emulator or networks

Details: v3.16
Regular: Full-function


DOS Kermit page.

Go to the Kermit Project, for old and new versions for many other OSes and machines, general news & info.

If you know which files you need, go to Kermit Software – ftp Access.

QMODEM Test Drive — Excellent terminal program with script language, host mode.

* * * * *

[added 1999-06-19, updated 2004-10-01]

An excellent term program, "one of the smoothest." Includes great docs, an integral host mode, and an extensive script language. "QMODEM 4.6 Test-Drive is licensed for individual personal use and evaluation for an unlimited time."

  • Powerful script language: automatically record keystrokes and create macro, without user having to know the script language
  • Many built in file transfer tools (zmodem, kermit, etc.)
  • Ability to use an external file transfer program with qmodem
  • Keystroke macros
  • Buffer screen and scroll back to see previous screen text
  • Capture screen output to a file, either one screen at a time or continuously.
  • Split screen mode – watch characters sent and characters received separately
  • Swaps to disk or XMS memory when shelling to dos (can escape to dos any time).
  • "Smart" phonebook that can dial several numbers in succession if a line is busy, etc.
  • Can use as a BBS (e.g., can run your computer from a remote modem using qmodem).
  • Translation table, to translate characters when uploading/downloading.
  • Automatic setting profiles for a variety of modems.

Author: John Friel III / Mustang Software, Inc. (1994). Suggested by Howard Schwartz, I. Smith; originally featured on Yves Bellefeuille's Best freeware for DOS list.

Download both
Disk 2

Note 1: Disk 1's INSTALL.EXE has the Borland Pascal 7 CRT bug. See fixes.
Or do a manual installation: Unzip all files to their target HD directory, then run QINSTALL.EXE (no bug).

Note 2: Ordinarily, QMODEM uses the arrow keys for its scrollback feature, which can be annoying. Here is a fix: Download (11K).

BananaCom and Baby Banana — Easy to use terminal with Z-Modem file transfer.


[added 1999-05-15, updated 2005-06-05]

BananaCom is a simple and stable text mode terminal that received good reviews and achieved a high level of popularity among BBSes due to its easy setup and user friendliness. Includes a dialing directory, ANSI emulation, scrollback buffer, text capture, and internal Z-Modem transfer protocol.

Notes: Formerly shareware, now freeware. Development has ended. May lock up with some Pentium II PCs.

For BBS administrators: Baby Banana creates a customized, limited version of BananaCom that calls one telephone number only. Install it on diskettes, which can be run from any machine to call your board only.

Author: Paul Wheaton (1998). Suggested by Bjørn Simonsen.




Conex — Small terminal program with Zmodem & TCP/IP support.

* * * *

[updated 2004-06-27]

Some features, from the documentation:
  1. The IBM PC can be used as terminal via COM1-COM4, via Interrupt 14, FOSSIL, DECNET LAT, FTP TCP/IP, B&W TCP/IP, 3COM (BAPI) at a host.
  2. Adjustable baudrate (50-115,200), parity, full/half duplex, xon/xoff or hardware handshake.
  3. Files can be transferred without protocol, e.g. to save a session to disk.
  4. Several DOS commands can be used inside CONEX such as "cd", "del" or a DOS shell can be entered.
  5. All incoming characters can be sent to a printer.
  6. Transfer protocols: Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem or Kermit protocol (long packets, sliding windows).
  7. Tektronix 4010/4014/4105, ANSI, DEC VT52-VT320 / VT420 / VT520 emulation. The crosshair in GIN mode can be moved by a mouse.
  8. Up to 20-30 pages of screen output can be scrolled back to screen and edited.
  9. All keys and mouse buttons can be programmed.
  10. Incoming characters from the port can be remapped by the user.
  11. Supports a phonebook.
  12. Several sessions, including net sessions, can be opened concurrently.
  13. Context sensitive help screens.
  14. CONEX is written in assembly language – quick and small.

Author: Erhard Hilbig, Germany (1998).

1998-11-26: v7.5. Last version for DOS. (Thanks to Howard Schwartz and the author for obtaining the update).

Download (95K).

RBcomm — Small, memory-efficient terminal with script support; uses external transfer protocols.

* * * *

[added 1999-10-18, updated 2004-04-23]

From a user:
...chiefly written for DESQview and blows away everything I've seen in almost every respect. It will run in DOS also...Configuration is a little involved, but not really hard. It uses an external xfer program (I'm using Texas Zmodem and getting consistent download speeds of 2200 cps on an 8088 at 19.2kb.) Another plus is that the ANSI/VT100 emulation doesn't screw up the screen every 10 seconds, but it's still a fast screen routine. Scripting, phonebooks, about everything imaginable...all this in a 33kb executable.
  • small (runs in as little as 47K [65K with DSZ, 66K with Puma/MPt]).
  • popup menus.
  • 'type' a file to the remote system, optionally expanding blank lines.
  • seamless file transfer using DSZ, PCZ, or Puma/MPt.
  • Zmodem autodownload (others easily added).
  • shell to DOS, using well under 1K while shelled.
  • keyboard reassignment, powerful keystroke macros, "DOORWAY" mode.
  • 250-number dialing directory.
  • ANSI/VT102, VT52, and AVATAR level 0 terminal emulations [UnixWindows and AVATAR level 1 partially implemented].
  • supports the 16550A UART's FIFOs and speeds to 115,200 bps (a 4.77MHz 8088 can handle 19200).
  • 132-column support, scrollback buffer

Author: Ralf Brown (1995). Suggested by Steve Stocker.

1995-01-29: v3.46.

Download (120K).

Panther — Full featured terminal with script support.


[updated 2005-03-28]

I haven't tried this 1993 comm program but the feature list looks impressive, and it should handle fast modems. Developed primarily for accessing BBSes. I ran it through the auto-installation, which was a snap. I'll leave it to you to research how well it actually runs.

  • Supports baud rates from 300 to 57600b; support for 16550A UART; Hardware or software handshaking. ANSI, Avatar and VT52 emulation.
  • One hundred entries in each dialling directory.
  • Script support with "learning mode."
  • File transfer protocols: Zmodem, Xmodem (including CRC, 1K, 1KG), Ymodem(G). External protocol support.
  • Scroll back buffer adjusts to amount of available memory.
  • Raw logging of all characters received; four internal emulation viewers.
  • Intelligent timeslicing (e.g., under Windows, OS/2).
  • Swaps out to XMS, disk, or expanded memory.
  • Mouse support; Good online help and documentation.
  • The EXE has the Borland Pascal 7 CRT bug. Use a TSR fix (this program is not easily patched because it checks itself to ensure the binary has not been altered).
  • Requires at least 525K RAM. You may need MS-DOS 5, 6.x, or equivalent to achieve this.
  • Terminal emulation options limited.
  • No built-in text editor.

Author: Mike Dickson / Black Cat Software Factory, Scotland (1993).

1993-07-01: v2.00.

Download (358K).

Texas Zmodem — A very small ANSI terminal emulator with Zmodem file transfer support.

* * *

[updated 2006-08-21]

I used the "mini-terminal" component of this program quite a bit when accessing BBSes – it was then (1994) one of the few available freeware comm programs with Zmodem support, which is now considered the most robust and frequently used transfer protocol on BBSes. TXZM is a small program (33K) without script support, and I especially recommend it if you're short on diskspace.

  • Supports up to 115,200 baud, 16550 FIFO mode.
  • Single custom modem initialization string, dialing shortcut key, redial key, dialing directory,
  • Shell to DOS function
  • Session logging.
  • ANSI terminal emulation.
  • TXZM can also be used as an external Zmodem protocol module for some comm programs (send/receive).

Limitations: Only supports Zmodem file transfers. No scrollback buffer (but try using Peruse with TZ).

Author: Mike Dumdei (1993).

1993-07-01: v2.00.

Download (42K).

Cyclone — Comm program with VT100 emulation, script support, Zmodem.


[updated 2004-04-25]

(Untested online). Cyclone probably represents one of the smallest comm programs with a scripting language. VT100 emulation only (useful for Internet progs [lynx, Pine] but not suitable for some BBSes).

Nice features (culled from the documentation):
  1. Small exe (80K)
  2. Impressive VT100 emulation
  3. custom dialing configurations
  4. Z-Modem file transfer – uses PDZM v1.20 (included), but see PDZM v1.24 on this page.
  5. Ability to mark and copy screen text to file, or capture entire screen to file
  6. Concise scripting language
  7. Popup notepad window (auto-save to file)
  8. Session logging
  9. Shell to DOS, Edit or view files while online using external programs


  1. Error handling of scripts needs improvement.
  2. No ANSI emulation.
  3. No mouse support.
  4. Only supports Zmodem file transfers.

Author: P.S. Karthikeyan, India (1997).

1997-06-25: v1.0.

Download (107K).

COMTOOL — Tiny (3.6K) terminal program.


[updated 2004-04-23]

As its name suggests, COMTOOL's intended use is as a comm / modem tool rather than as a terminal program. But it can function as a simple TTY terminal. No file transfer capabilities. No built-in help – read the documentation. ASM source included.

  • Can be used as a tool to clear the UART, set baudrate, or send 'AT' command sequences to modem.
  • Hardware handshaking.
  • Support for 16550 UART, FIFO, and high speed modems.

Author: Karl-Heinz Weiss, Germany (1994).

1994-09-15 release.

Download (8K).Or get it (without source) as part of the Arachne or the DOS PPPD packages.

PDZM — Public domain Zmodem protocol.


PDZM is for use with comm programs that support external protocols and also is used with BBSes. Distinguishing features of this package include (from docs):

  • Full Public Domain status, including commercial use
  • Support of any IBM compatible serial interface, using any IRQ up to #15. FOSSIL support
  • High throughput, especially with ISDN; optimum throughput on bad lines due to calculation of the best data block size
  • All standard Zmodem functions
  • ZedZap support (8k data blocks)
  • Optional transfer of whole directory trees
  • Chat function
  • Automatic cps rate and transfer time control
  • Time synchronization
  • Minimum system load under OS/2 or DesqView
  • Choice of English or German user interface

Notes: Xmodem, Ymodem and XON/XOFF (software) handshake are not supported. Good documentation, in English and German.

Author: Peter Mandrella, Germany (1996).

1996-04-06: v1.24.

Download (88K).

CE-XYZ — File transfer protocol module (X, Y, Zmodem, and variants).


CE-XYZ can be used as a free substitute for external protocol modules, such as DSZ and GSZ. Intended for comm programs that support external protocols, and BBSes. Free for non-commercial use.

Supported protocols:
  • Zmodem: 16, 32-bit CRC
  • ZedZap: 32-bit CRC
  • Ymodem: Batch, 1K, G
  • Xmodem: 1K, CRC/Checksum
Serial port communication methods:
  • FOSSIL (most compatible with FidoNet systems – default)
  • Direct (standard for most comm programs)
  • Interrupt driven (fastest, takes over INT 14h)

Author: Cutting Edge Computing (1993).

1993-08-16: v1.00.

Download (56K).

ZEST — Zmodem protocol module for EGA/VGA displays.


[added 1998-03-06]

ZEST is yet another free Zmodem driver I can't test. This one requires EGA/VGA compatibility since its control panel is graphically rich with progress meters and status bars. I've heard some praise for this one. Documentation sparse.

Author: Hyok-Sung Choi, South Korea (1996).

1996-08-26: v2.0.

Download (55K).


Development of most of these programs has ended.

Renegade BBS — A relatively easy-to-use BBS.


[updated 2005-04-03]

This is the only BBS listed here that I've attempted to run. One of its claimed strengths is ease of use, and I'd agree. Seems to be popular.

Authors: Cott Lang and Patrick Spence, Gary Hall, et al.

Get files and info from the Renegade page at the BBS Software Directory.

Other: There's a newsgroup alt.bbs.renegade dedicated to it. A GPL version for several OSes (but not DOS) is in development – see the Renegade BBS Project for more info.

Maximus — Full-featured BBS; free for non-commercial use.


[added 1998-06-24, updated 2005-12-09]

A popular and complete BBS, in versions for DOS, OS/2, Win9x, WinNT, Linux. Free for non-commercial use. "You are a noncommercial user only if you are running Maximus as a private individual with no 'sponsors' and only if your BBS is not making (or helping to make) a profit."

Author: Lanius Corporation (1995).

1995-12-30: V3.01c, last for DOS.

Download all
EXEs 2
Y2K fix

Get versions for Win32, OS/2 & Linux, and language modules (German, Russian, Spanish, Swedish) at the FileGate Archive.

Telegard — Full-featured BBS.


[added 1998-06-24, updated 2004-08-06]

From the description file:
Full featured BBS software for beginners to experts alike! JAM and Squish format message bases, powerful file section w/file tagging, multinode support, full multilingual support, languages with text and key configs (>length, 255 colours, 100+ MCI codes), RIP support, powerful menus, scripts, doors and more!

Author: Tim Strike, Canada (1998).

1998-12-19: v3.09.g2 Service Pack 4, "fixes all the known Y2K problems".

For more info & downloads of the program and helper apps, go to the Telegard Product Information Page.

Oblivion/2 — BBS with powerful menuing system.


[added 1998-06-24, updated 2005-04-03]

From the old Oblivion/2 web page:
Whether you're a beginner or a veteran Sysop, Oblivion/2 can offer you what few other software packages can. Amazing expandability and flexibility, molding the look and feel of the software to any other software you might like (without their annoying qualities), and a simple, Sysop-friendly configuration.

Note: Oblivion/2 is now freeware, but you need to use a serial number generator to "register" it.

Author: Paul Cox (1999).


Download all
Install this first
Install on top of first package
Serial number generator

Synchronet — Multi-node BBS.


From the docs:
Synchronet BBS Software is a freely distributed program (with complete C source code, available soon) which can turn your DOS, Windows, or OS/2 machine into your own multi-line online service. Once a commercial application selling for as much as $499 (for a 250 node license), you can now use this great software for FREE for as long as it serves your needs – there are no "registration" or "licensing" fees of any kind. There is also no support (from the author) of any kind.

Although there is a newsgroup alt.bbs.synchronet devoted to the program, it is not on many news servers. Here is a Synchronet chat board which looks like a good place to converse with other "Synch-Ops."

Author: Rob Swindell (1999).

Program, utils, config, docs
Program upgrade

Last versions for DOS. A Win32 version is still in development and is open source GPL.

Download both

Get other files and info from the Synchronet home page.


Personal NetWare (PNW) — Novell NetWare for the PC.

* * * *

[added 2005-08-22]

Personal NetWare can run a peer-to-peer network or connect to a Novell server. Along with NetWareClients, it was bundled with some versions of DR-DOS and OpenDOS that are now free, and still available.

Authors: Novell, Inc. and Caldera Systems (1993).

Get DR-DOS / PNW / NetWareClients packages, CARDS.ZIP (hardware drivers), and PNWTUTOR.IMG (tutorial) from any of the DR-DOS / OpenDOS download sites listed on the Operating Systems page.

Caldera's Introduction to Personal NetWare is online at Unofficial DR-DOS Resources.

Novell's Personal NetWare 1.0 Technical Information Documents (plain text):
Download pnwtid.exe (178K).

For more info, go to Personal NetWare at Novell Support.

DOSVNC (DOS Virtual Network Computing) — Remote control of one computer by another, over a LAN or the Internet.


[added 2005-03-11, updated 2005-08-22]

VNC is a cross-platform, open source system that allows any networked computer to access and control others, in a "virtual network". DOSVNC can control other DOS, or Windows or Unix machines. 32-bit DJGPP port to DOS, requires 80386+ and a DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI), supplied either by CWSDPMI (included), or by Windows. Also required: VESA SVGA video, network connection (hardware + packet driver).

Author: DOSVNC by Marinos Yannikos, Austria (1999).

1999-04-28: v1.1.

Download (618K).

Get more info, utils & source at DOSVNC – a DOS Viewer for VNC.

Source code for a later version of DOSVNC is in the Watt-32 TCP/IP package.

Go to RealVNC for more info and commercial versions for other OSes.


Personal telephone dialers are listed in Calendars, Clocks, and PIMs.

WATTCP (Waterloo TCP/IP) — Network & Internet TCP/IP tools.

* * * * *

[added 2005-09-24]

Named for the University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada), WATTCP is a developer's toolkit for writing TCP/IP components of applications. The package contains mainly of source code (ASM and C) and compilation tools, but some sample EXEs are also included (look for in the big package):

Read and print a witty saying from Internet
Read and print time of day string from Internet
Display user/system information
Query printer
Dump job to printer
Set DOS clock from Internet
CSO NameServer Client
Internet diagnostic tool
Dump mail from popmail3 into spool subdirectory
Remotely execute a UNIX command
Display configuration info to the screen
Make TCP connections from virtual serial ports
Manage a TALK (chat) session [also see Talk]

Author: Erick Engelke, Canada, et al. (2004).

2004-11-02: Unnumbered update.

Download (865K).

WATTCP page.

Get more info and software at TCP/IP for MS-DOS, from Smash-Co Communications.

Watt-32 TCP/IP — Protected mode version of WATTCP.

* * * *

[added 2005-09-24, updated 2006-03-14]

Watt-32 TCP/IP is a 32-bit version of WATTCP, with some additional features. The complete toolkit is divided into several parts.

The Binaries package contains compiled EXEs with their source code, other utilities as source code only, and doc files. Versions of the EXEs that are in the WATTCP package are also in this one, plus those listed below. All require 80386+. Only nio-nt is a Win32 console program, and only nio-os2 requires OS/2 – all of the others run under DOS with an extender (CWSDPMI or DOS32, both included). If you only want the binaries, and are not interested in using or studying the whole system, this might be the only package you need.

Test whether multicast code is sent correctly
Measure round-trip-delays and packet loss across network paths
Other machines can access this machine's time of day by running the daytime program
Host name resolution and matching
Get a document via HTTP
Identify server
Display vat control messages

Network Throughput Benchmark
Reverse IP lookup: given a set of IP addresses, resolves the hostnames
Network Monitor: Name, Time, UpTime, Users, CPU Load, PacketsI, PacketsOProc
Trace the route IP packets follow going to "host"
Gets system name
Variable-length Subnet Management
Get host owner's ID

Programmers will also need the Sources package, with most of the code and other compilation tools.

Author: Gisle Vanem, Norway, et al. (2004).

2006-01-25: v2.2 dev-rel.10.


With source of included EXEs, and other apps
Core TCP/IP code
Compiled HTML
Other docs
Older, general docs and Internet RFCs

View complete, current documentation online (same content as watt-32.chm, except regular HTML).

Watt-32 tcp/ip Homepage.

Other network libraries and ports.

Crynwr — Packet drivers, connecting a PC to a network.

* * * * *

[added 2005-09-24]

A packet driver is a TSR program that establishes communication between a computer (through an Ethernet or other adapter, or a port) and a network. This outstanding collection covers a wide range of hardware and networks. Source code is supplied for all drivers, mostly ASM, but some C. All download packages include docs.

Author: Russell Nelson / Crynwr Software (1990-2004).

Mostly source, a few drivers
Mostly source, a few drivers
Updates of some drivers & source
More drivers

These collections and other packages are in Crynwr's download directories, ftp, and http.

DOS PPPD — Point to Point Protocol packet driver and complete Internet connection kit.

* * * * *

[added 2005-09-24, updated 2006-03-14]

DOS PPPD, partly based on the Unix pppd, is a package containing a dialer, packet drivers, and other tools that display stats, manipulate the serial port, debug, & more. It runs on any PC from an XT up, and handles serial port speeds up to 115,200bps. It can manage a direct PC-to-Internet connection, and Ethernet connections to a LAN. C source code available.

Notes: Program package has docs in English only, but Spanish docs are available. Source code package includes Unix man pages and other docs in Spanish and English. Parts of DOS PPPD are in the Arachne and BOBCAT386 browser packages. The included COMTOOL is also available in its own package, with ASM source code.

Author: Antonio 'Toni' Lopez Molero, Spain (1997).

1997-09-20: v0.6 beta. Copyrighted freeware.

Also get the utility, SETUP for DOS PPPD v1.0, by Alfredo J. Cole, Honduras (1997). Not required, but it makes the job easy.


Setup util

LSppp — A Point to Point Protocol packet driver for Ethernet or dialup connections.

* * * *

[added 2006-03-14]

LSppp is another fine PPP driver. Small – a single executable takes up 28K memory. ASM source code in package.

From the docs:
By default LSppp loads as a class one ethernet driver and handles all aspects of the connection from dialing onward. Optionally, an external dialer may be used to dial an ISP prior to running LSppp; it will detect the carrier and go immediately into internet communications setup. LSPPP may also be used as a standard PPP driver in the style of DOSPPPD.
LSppp now fully supports configuration files in addition to loading parameters from the environment or command line. Configuration options include user name and password, number to dial, nameserver information, and various options to set up a communications port to use or customize the timeout mechanisms.
usage: lsppp [options] PPP, Copyright (C) LADSoft, 1999-2003/h or ? This text/a:% Set Async map /B:# Baud rate /b:% Base i/o port /F:#[,#] Fifo setting/d[r]:* Dial [redial] phone number /D:#,#,# Dial timeout, count, and delay/i Comm IRQ (0-15) /I:#,# IPCP timeout & count/l Local mode /L:#,# LCP timeout & count/m:#,# Set transmit and receive MRUs /M:* Modem init string/n:# Comm port num /N:@,@ DNS address/p Load as native ppp driver /P:* Set passwordd/u Unload TSR /S:@ Suggest IP addr/x XON/XOFF enabled /U:* Set user name/A:#,# PAP timeout & count /V:% Packet driver vector * = a string (possibly quoted) # = a number @ = ip address % = hex number retry counts in range 1 - 255 timeouts in seconds, max 1600; 0 = no timeout LSPPP will read parameters from LSPPP.CFG, then from the environment, then from the command line

Author: David Lindauer / LadSoft (2003)

2003-10-12: v1.0.

Download LSppp v1.0 (97K).

More info at the LSppp page.

NULLPKT — Dummy packet driver, for running network programs offline.

* * * * *

[added 2005-09-24]

Some of the programs that are listed here look for a packet driver when they start up, and will fail if none is found. Use this dummy driver, and avoid the need to set up a real one, when programs are only being tested, or to use a browser as an offline reader only. Single .COM file, with ASM source.

 NULLPKT [options]  -d Delayed initialization, for diskless booting -n NetWare conversion, 802.3 packets into 8137 packets -w Windows hack, obsoleted by winpkt -p Promiscuous mode disable -u Uninstall

Author: Russell Nelson / Crynwr Software (1998).

1998-01-05: v11.0.

Download (7K).

NULLPKT is also in the lynx and BOBCAT386 browser packages.

ADF — FOSSIL driver for BBS and FidoNet programs.


[updated 2005-09-24]

Adapted from the docs: ADF is a serial port FOSSIL driver for high speed modem users. Supports UARTs (serial port chips) 16550 / 16650 / 16750, speeds up to 115200 bps, any port, any IRQ, any FIFO trigger level, FOSSIL rev level 5 and multitasking environments (including Win3, Win9x, OS/2).

Author: Anders Danielsson / AnDan Software and Scandinavian Digital Systems, Sweden (2000).

2000-01-19: v1.50. Formerly shareware, now freeware.

Download (29K).

ADF page.


ZIP — PC-to-PC file transfer, through parallel or serial ports.

* * * * *

[added 2001-07-04, updated 2006-08-10]

ZIP is a super-small (<19K) and fast utility which permits exchange of files between two PC-compatible computers with parallel (LPT) or serial (COM) ports, including HP-LX Palmtops. Has no memory-resident components. Requires DOS 3.x or later (including DOS under Win3.x/9x or OS/2) and a PC-to-PC type, parallel or serial (null modem) cable. Formerly paid shareware, now freeware (author retains copyright). Screenshot.

Notable features:
  • Flexible user control: interactive menu commands, command line options (e.g., for use in batch files), by the ZIPSET configuration utility, and automation through redirected input. Can accept file lists (@files).
  • Besides performing simple transfers of selected files, ZIP also includes options for comparing and reconciling directories, performing incremental, partial and subdirectory-inclusive (recursive) backups, file deletion, and more.
  • Includes ZIPDUP utility: allows duplication of ZIP.COM on another computer.
  • ZIP's proprietary binary transfer protocol includes full CRC verification to guarantee accurate transfers.
  • Under development since 1988. ZIP is fully Y2K-compliant.
From the docs:
ZIP is aware of long filenames [LFNs], and will display and preserve them when working between two Win9x systems; but otherwise it accepts and displays only 8.3-character DOS filenames, and any new directories created by ZIP itself will have only short DOS names... Note that LFNs are not supported when Windows itself isn't loaded.

Author: Eric Meyer (2006).

2006-04-25: v2.22.

Download (44K) from US or UK or India or Australia. Also available in the /comm directory at Slovak Antivirus Center sites in Slovakia, Poland and Taiwan.

More in these pages from Eric Meyer.

BGFAX — FAX program in DOS, OS/2 & Win32 versions.

* * * *

[added 2000-07-05, updated 2004-04-23]

From the docs:
  • Can send faxes from the DOS, OS/2, and Win32 (95/NT) command line and return status by errorlevel
  • Fully configurable top of page headers on outgoing faxes
  • Allows sysops to receives faxes on their BBS telephone line WITHOUT needing any additional hardware or services from the telephone company – compatible with most Fido mailers, too!
  • The DOS version runs in the foreground, no TSR programs needed
  • Comes with a small and quick fax viewing program that supports CGA, EGA, VGA, VESA SVGA and Hercules display modes as well as options for fax printing and FAX-to-PCX (and DCX) conversion; it even can use XMS!
  • Multitasker aware; releases ticks to OS/2, Windows, and DesqView

Formerly shareware, now freeware, still copyrighted by the author. Package includes DOS, OS/2 and Win32 executables.

Author: B.J. Guillot (1997, 2000). Suggested by: tip from Surv-PC Forum.

Program, support files & docs
Revision U beta, program only

Download both
Install this first

See the BGFAX Page for more info.

Talk — Talk (chat) client / server.

* * * *

[added 2005-09-24]

This DOS utility, based on a Unix original, can be used on its own, or integrated into a Telnet or browser setup. Uses WATTCP libraries, requires packet driver (DOS PPPD, or Crynwr). Source code (C) included. This is a better version than tcptalk, in the WATTCP and the Watt-32 TCP/IP packages.

USAGE talk [-lo] user@{host|alias} [tty] .... Talk to another user talk [-aq] ............................ Wait for talk requestsOPTIONS -l Log the talk session to talk.log -o Use old-style talk protocol -a Enter answer mode -q Be quiet in answer mode
Other features & functions:
  • Talk from a PC to a Unix host or to another PC running talk
  • Can reply automatically to incoming requests
  • Two display modes, single window and split screen
  • Allows different color sets for single window and split screen modes
  • Can have aliases for frequently used addresses

Author: Michael Ringe, Germany (1994).

1994-04-05: v1.3.

Download (56K).

SERIAL — TSR serial port monitor, adjustable on-screen display.

* * * * *

[added 1999-10-07]

SERIAL is an excellent serial port monitor that displays the status of a designated COM port on screen (default COM1, upper right corner of display). Using hot key (default CTRL-ALT-S, but easily modifiable) the user can move the display anywhere on screen. After intitial loading, SERIAL can be invoked repeatedly from the command line with new or changed options – you can even change which COM port to monitor, on the fly. Requires about 3.7K RAM, and includes options to disable and uninstall.

SYNTAX: SERIAL [/ or -]option1 [/ or -]option2 ... ?,H,/?,/H HELP /V Be VERBOSE (tell me everything) (default) /Q Be QUIET (shut up unless there's an error) /E ENABLE (Show the SERIAL port) (default) /D DISABLE (Hide the SERIAL port) /U UNINSTALL from memory /T Show SERIAL only in TEXT screen modes (default) /G Allow SERIAL to be shown in GRAPHICS screen modes /K:Letter Change the HotKey to Ctl-Alt-{Letter}, default is Ctl-Alt-S /1, /2, /3, /4 Show COM1(2,3,4) (default is COM1) /P[:address] Show a specific port address (hexidecimal) /R:n Put SERIAL at ROW #n (default is first row of screen) /C:n Put SERIAL at COLUMN #n (default is last column of screen)

Author: Bret Johnson (1999).

1999-09-30: v2.02.

Download (18K).

More in these pages from Bret Johnson.


©1994-2004, Richard L. Green.
©2004-2006, Short.Stop.

FREE SOFTWARE FOR DOS — Communication & Internet – 1 (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.